Risk Management for Mopeds and Motorbikes
This guidance contains information for staff and carers in relation to the use mopeds and motorbikes by young people under the age of 18 years who are Looked After. It was added to the procedures manual in August 2018.All requests for permission to acquire and ride mopeds and motorbikes should be made to the Service Manager. Before making a decision the following will need to be evidenced to the decision maker.
- Permission will only be given to those young people aged 17 years and above;
- Permission for under 18's will only be given to moped/motorbikes up to 50CC;
- The social worker will need to undertake a risk assessment based on:
- Motivation and reason for the young person wanting to ride;
- Previous experience of road use including push bike;
- Life style choices e.g. substance misuse and peer group;
- Level of maturity;
- Proposed funding arrangements, including insurance, MOT, breakdown cover;
- Who will be responsible for insuring MOT and insurance is current?
- Previous convictions and cautions in relation to road traffic offences;
- Views of carer and birth parents.
The risk assessment will be signed off by the Service Manager, young person, carer and social worker. Any breeches or additional risks will require an updated risk assessment and may lead to permission being withdrawn.
The young person will need to produce their driving licence.
Following the authorisation of the risk assessment, the Service Manager in conjunction with the child's social worker, supervising social worker or residential worker will develop a plan of training to support the young person's skill development and road safety awareness.
This will include:
- Pre CBT training moped/motor cycle training course;
- CBT course;
- Further training both on and off road if recommended by the training school;
- There is a grant available to support the purchase of safety equipment up to £200.
PLEASE NOTE - In relation to push bikes, carers are reminded that before allowing young people to ride on the road they should ensure the young person has passed a cycling proficiency course and that the young person has appropriate head gear.