Placement Agreements
1. Introduction
It is a requirement of the National Minimum Standards (Fostering Services) that written foster placement agreements are drawn up prior to the placement being made. These placement agreements are required to contain 'all information, which the authority considers necessary to enable the foster parent to care for the child'.
This procedure relates to Placement Agreement Form (FOS-14i) and complies with the National Minimum Standards (Fostering Services).
2. Completion of the Placement Agreement
The Fostering Social Worker, Child's Social Worker and the Foster Carer should meet within one week of placement to draw up the Placement Agreement.
Consideration should be given to inviting the parent(s) and young person to the meeting.
3. Matters to be Covered in the Placement Agreement
In order to comply with the National Minimum Standards and Regulations mentioned above it is essential that all matters are covered in the Placement Agreement as fully as is possible.
Matching issues will be detailed and set in the context of the child's Care Plan. This will include details of any recent risk assessment.
4. Signature and Copies
All parties to the Agreement (including the child if old enough) will sign the Placement Agreement Form. It is the responsibility of the Fostering Social Worker to distribute the Placement Agreement Form to all parties.